Friday, December 31, 2010

looking back on the year already gone...

It's almost four hours left for those dreadful but hopeful bells to ring, indicating us that it's midnight, the beginning of a brand new 12-month period for everybody to enjoy. It is only fair to dedicate a part of this few hours to look back at what we lived during the year. And what a year it has been for me. Not much has changed: i still have my family alive and well and my work is as stressful as always, but I had a huge personal awakening, partly thanks to my travelings overseas. My experiences in London, Paris and Barcelona with my bestie Luchicha gave me a lot to think about my future plans, about my desire to try new things in a new environment. Not that I hate being here, but the situation that we're all in is not exactly very inspiring, to be bluntly honest. The whole world is out there, and I know that is waiting for me. Somehow, someday, I will be able to respond to the world's wishes. My heart also had a quite turbulent year, it got elevated to the highest highs and dropped into the most depressing lows, but all in all, I've gone through. My determination and persevarence, those are the things that keep me standing and going. All is not lost, and I'm quite content about that. After all, i'm still young and there's a lot of living to do.

Corniness aside, I've had a fantastic 2010, and to that I have to thank every living and animated being that had surrounded me all year long. My wishes for 2011? Being alive I guess, travel some more, fall in love again, who knows? Still, i'm looking forward for all of it. Bring it on!

That being said, I hope you all have a great new year and may all your wishes come true. See you all soon!

(the picture may or may not have anything to do with new year's celebration, but it ranks as one of the best i took during the year, so it stays. damn it)

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