listening to: Moby - Disco Lies (Freemasons Remix)At last i could put my hands, or should i say fingertips, into a keyboard to keep you in on the latest details. My trip so far has been amazing, with some rough parts along the way but so far, it's been a quite inspiring experience for me. It should be, it's the first time i have been away from home for so long. The journey started rainy and chiiiiiiiiiiiilly, as we got caught on the freezing cold stage that has been storming all over europe. London was perfect beyond words, it might not be the perfect city but it is perfect for me. It's big, it has deep secrets within, lots of activity and fun day AND night, so culturally is another world, and I am so happy for being a part of it, even if it was for four days. Like London, Paris is also another world, although i found it strickingly similar with Caracas (unfortunately, not for its beauty factor, but for its more sordid one, homeless people and the so called "pickpockets") but overall it's an interesting town for the turist (and an REAL EXPENSIVE one). We didn't have friends who would take us elsewhere there but we met real people from around the world, eager to meet new peeps and express their curiosity surrounding Paris. The money run out faster than we thought (I arrived at Barcelona with 80 euros in my pocket, poor as a bum!) and our first night on spanish lands was a complete and unconfortable disaster but good things are bound to happen, and this time is no exception. We're leaving the hostel world for a cosier home to spend our last week and a half overseas, with the hope of returning to Caracas happier than depressed. We are getting first world treatment and we love it!
I'll be soon to write more about this whole thang with more pix and music and interesting thoughts to share. Till then.